Burwood Hospital was having a new Aged Care hospital wing built and this required a new boiler house to supply the enlarged campus. The new European manufactured bio-mass boilers required a standby generator to be installed and integrated into the control system for the boiler, along with the associated generator control and monitoring systems.
The chosen solution was a fully enclosed 650kVA generator that would be housed within the boiler house and would have an acoustically treated inlet to meet the local noise legislation. The exhaust system would have to be extended to exit out of the building’s roof, approx. length 25m. This required TDX to work with the builder to get the stack fabricated & located in the building at an early stage to allow the roof to be completed. Once the installation of the boiler assembly had progressed to a sufficient point we then installed the generator within the building along with the noise attenuators and connected the generator exhaust.
The generator controller was mounted remotely in the main switchboard room and allowed syncing to the grid to allow the generator to load shed if required by the local lines company in peak periods, it also allowed exported power to be metered.
The boiler room had an external diesel tank that supplies diesel to a small diesel standby boiler in the room. The generator fuel system had to be integrated to the boiler computer controlled fuel network. The generator base tank has a fuel level sensor and shutoff valves that would send a command to the boiler control to start/stop pumping fuel to the base tank. The generator controller is integrated into the BMS system for the hospital to allow remote monitoring. It was also integrated into the boiler management system with contacts that allow the boiler system to know if the generator has failed to start, if this is the case the boiler will commence a shutdown process to prevent damage to the boilers
The boiler room is completely autonomous from the rest of the hospital power network to provide heating and hot water to the whole site. It was delivered on time and to budget and specification. The generator was tested for 4 hours to confirm that the grid synching worked, the metering of outgoing power was recorded and that it was integrated correctly to the boiler controller and the CDHB BMS system.