Specifications - Shell Spirax S5 ATF X
Suitable for use in Mitsubishi/Hyundi/Kia SP-III, SP-II, Red 1K, Mazda, Nissan Matic-K/J/D, Honda ATF-Z1 and some ZF, Mercedes, Volvo and BMW applications
Shell Spirax S5 ATF X is a multi-vehicle, synthetic technology
automatic-transmission fluid and is designed to provide efficient, smooth
and trouble-free operation. Shell Spirax S5 ATF X is a fluid that you can
rely on to offer exceptional oxidation and shear stability for excellent fluid
life in the most demanding applications and in a wide range of vehicle
types. A special viscosity-index improver reduces the change in viscosity
with operating temperature for excellent oil fluidity at low temperatures.
Shell Spirax S5 ATF X provides:
- Exceptional wear protection for longer equipment life
- Exceptional thermal, oxidation and shear stability for longer oil life
- Excellent oil fluidity at low temperatures and reduced friction for improved fuel efficiency
Suitable for use in Mitsubishi/Hyundi/Kia SP-III, SP-II, Red 1K, Mazda, Nissan Matic-K/J/D, Honda ATF-Z1 and some ZF, Mercedes, Volvo and BMW applications