Specifications - Shell Spirax S3 AX 80W-90
Mercedes Benz Sheet: 235.6
MAN: 342 Type M2
ZF TE-ML: 07A, 16C, 17B, 19B, 21A
API Service Classification: GL-5
US Military MIL-L-2105D
Meets the service fill requirements of Mercedes Benz Sheet 235.0
Shell Spirax S3 AX 80W-90 is a high performance, API GL-5 gear and axle oil for moderate to heavily loaded on and off-road driveline applications requiring SAe 80w-90 oils
Spirax S3 AX 80W-90 provides:
- Longer oil drain capability
- Longer transmission life
Mercedes Benz Sheet: 235.6
MAN: 342 Type M2
ZF TE-ML: 07A, 16C, 17B, 19B, 21A
API Service Classification: GL-5
US Military MIL-L-2105D
Meets the service fill requirements of Mercedes Benz Sheet 235.0