
Shell Spirax S6 ATF VM Plus

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Description - Shell Spirax S6 ATF VM Plus

Shell Spirax S6 ATF VM Plus Oil is a premium performance, automatic transmission fluid specifically designed for use in Voith Turbo transmissions. It is recommended for extended oil drain intervals in DIWA.6 and DIWA.5 transmissions for 180,000km.

Shell Spirax S6 ATF VM Plus offers:

- State-of-the-art additive technology carefully chosen in conjunction with Voith

- Maximum oil drain interval potential

- Excellent fluidity at extremely low temperatures


Specifications - Shell Spirax S6 ATF VM Plus

ZF TE-ML 4D, 14B, 16L, 17C

MAN 339 Typ L1 and Typ Z2 (Sach-Nr. 09. 11003-0540)

MB-Approval 236.9, 238.22

Voith H55.6336, Section 1.3