Shell Naturelle
Businesses are under pressure to deliver more, while also contributing to a moresustainable future. This means they must adapt to rapidly changing standards andregulations - and use fewer resources, without compromising performance.
Shell Naturelle helps customers to meet these needs. This range of lubricants goes beyond being ‘environmentally acceptable’ with a highpercentage achieving the new EU Ecolabel certification.
The Shell Naturelle range helps prevent emissions because it is made using renewable,sustainable, and ethically-sourced bio raw materials.
For customers looking to take concrete steps towards improving sustainability, ShellNaturelle presents an easy choice. Technically well-balanced with high bio-base, highbiodegradability and low ecotoxicity - Shell Naturelle protects customers’ equipment andthe sensitive ecosystems in which they operate, playing a vital role in keeping our worldmoving and equipment operating efficiently, today and tomorrow.

Carbon Neutral Lubricants
The latest step in Shell’s journey towards net-zero emissions is the launch of an extended range of carbon neutral lubricants1. As well as helping to avoid or reduce emissions through material choices and operational efficiencies, these products are now carbon neutral thanks to Shell’s global portfolio of nature-based carbon credits.
The initiative is the largest and most significant carbon neutral programme in the lubricants industry today.

Net-Zero Emissions by 2050
Even though the world is going through uncertain times, there is an urgent need to tackle climate change. That’s why Shell’s ambition is to be a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050, or sooner.
Shell aims to meet customers’ demand for cleaner energy, keeping in pace with society.

Shell Plastic Recycling Waste to Chemicals
Shell is exploring process technologies that could transform post-use plastic into useful liquids that could be used as a source of energy, as chemicals or as new products.
Shell’s ambition is to use one million tonnes of plastic waste a year in our global chemicals plants by 2025.

Recycling Stewardship Program
Around 4.5 million lubricant containers are discarded every year in New Zealand, with only a small percentage being recycled and the rest going straight to landfill.
Since its conception in early 2018, TDX and a small group of other Lubricant manufacturers and distributors have been funding the creation of a Recycling Stewardship Scheme with the ambition to change that.
The New Zealand lubricant industry are taking a leadership stance on this global issue with the establishment of the Waste Lubricant Container Product Stewardship Scheme.
At TDX we are proud to be working positively with our competitors to find a solution, and while there is still work to be done, the group is closing in on their goal of having a nationwide solution in place.

Shell Nature-Based Solutions
The world needs a range of measures to limit carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions while meeting rising energy demand. They include the protection and restoration of natural ecosystems such as forests, grasslands and wetlands.
Shell works with projects around the world that help reduce CO2 emissions, while improving the lives of local communities and protecting biodiversity.

Bulk Pump-Over Trucks

TDX’s investment in 2 Pump-Over Trucks (one in the North Island and one in the South) has enabled us to make significant operational improvements from a sustainability perspective, as bulk delivery avoids the need to deal with disposal of multiple empty containers, drums or Immediate Bulk Containers (IBCs).
This means there are less plastic lubricant containers entering our landfills, which is great for the industry but even better for the planet.
Supports all major Shell Lubricant Products
Our bulk delivery service gives customers the ability to receive our portfolio of Shell oils including Helix, Rimula, Tellus and Spirax in bulk. Whether you’re a heavy-equipment user, an automotive garage or a commercial fleet operator we can assist with your bulk delivery needs. - Nationwide Coverage With two bulk delivery trucks in operation, one based in Christchurch servicing the South Island and one based in Auckland servicing the North Island. We have the whole country covered to meet your bulk oil delivery requirements.
More Sustainable and Less Packaging
Utilising the bulk delivery trucks has enabled us to make significant operational improvements from a sustainability perspective, as bulk delivery avoids the need to deal with disposal of empty containers, drums or Immediate Bulk Containers (IBCs). -
Safer and Cleaner
Our bulk delivery system means the oil goes straight from our truck direct to your storage tanks. This process ensures a clean and safe transfer of products with less chance of spillage or contamination. -
Fuss Free Installs and Remote Tank Monitoring
Whether you have an existing bulk tank or need one installed, we can work with you to make this happen, and with our remote tank monitoring, our team ensures your tanks are never empty so that you can focus on doing the job you’re there to do.